These Five Little Words should compel all of us to serve everyone,
as if we are serving Christ himself.
Our parish is called to reach out to the hurting, the poor, and the vulnerable in our midst in concrete acts of charity. Just as the gospel tells us our lives will be judged by our response to the “least among us”, so too our parish should be measured by our help for the hungry, the homeless, the sick, the forgotten and the alienated in our community and beyond.
Just Five Little Words, “You Did It For Me” should inspire our parish to listen and
to render assistance. These five little words should compel all of us to ask, “But when Lord
do we see you hungry, sick, orphaned, naked, forgotten and in prison?
And why Lord, are you in this situation?”
Our Catholic Care Project is our Parish's response to live the Gospel. Through various acts of charity, parishioners are invited to live their faith by serving their neighbors in need. We respond with compassion as Stewards of the Gospel to both the spiritual and corporal needs of those around us, in our community and beyond.